School Uniform

 Children from Reception to year 6 wear school uniform. Our main supplier is Ripon Uniform Shop on Blossomgate in Ripon.  This link will also take you to the website from which you can buy uniform with the Masham Logo however there is no requirement for uniform to have the logo if you would prefer to purchase elsewhere.


Girls uniform: 

Black/Grey trousers or skirt, white collared t-shirt/shirt, blue jumper, black shoes. Dresses optional in warmer weather.


Boys uniform:

Black/Grey trousers, white collared t-shirt/shirt, blue jumper, black shoes. Shorts optional in warmer weather.


PE uniform: 

Dark shorts, coloured t-shirt to match house team (or white t-shirt), black plimsolls. Trainers for outdoor PE.  Hooded sweatshirts are optional, and are available from School Shop (link above), they may be named on the back but no nicknames please.



 No make up or nail polish to be worn in school. If pupils wear earrings these must be taken out for PE and swimming – the children must be able to remove them themselves, parents may wish to send their child with a box to put their earrings in and a small mirror. 



Please label / name all clothing so misplaced items can be returned to the right children.